There is a big update regarding the SSC GD Constable result. The SSC GD Constable result will now be released for 46,617 posts. It can be released at any time next week.
Before the SSC GD Constable result announcement, there is great news for the candidates. The number of posts for SSC GD Constable has been increased to 46,617. Now, the SSC GD Constable result will be released for 46,617 posts. The SSC GD Constable recruitment result can be released next week.
Online SSC GD Constable recruitment applications were invited from November 24 to December 31. After that, the examination was conducted from February 20 to March 7, 2024, while some candidates had their exam on March 30, 2024. The official answer key was then released on April 3. Now, candidates are waiting for the results. It is expected that the result can be released at any time next week.

After the SSC GD Constable result is announced, successful candidates will be called for the Physical Efficiency Test (PET) and Physical Standard Test (PST). The SSC GD Constable recruitment result will be released on the official website of the Staff Selection Commission. The final merit list will be based on the marks obtained by the candidates in the written exam. The physical tests will be only qualifying in nature, meaning candidates just need to pass them.
In the SSC GD exam, candidates from the General category must score at least 30%, while OBC and EWS candidates must score at least 25%, and SC/ST candidates must score at least 20%.
In the SSC GD Constable recruitment, the expected cut-off for the General category will be between 130 and 140 marks, for the OBC and EWS categories, the expected cut-off will be between 120 and 130 marks, and for the reserved categories, the expected cut-off will be between 110 and 120 marks.
Process to check SSC GD Constable Result
First, go to the official website of the Staff Selection Commission. Then, click on the ‘Result’ section on the home page. After that, click on the ‘Constable GD’ section.
Next, click on the ‘SSC GD Constable Result PDF’ link. This will open the result PDF on your screen, where you can check your result and also see the cut-off marks. You can also take a printout of this for safekeeping.
SSC GD Constable Result Check
The SSC GD Constable result can be released at any time next week. To get immediate notification when the SSC GD Constable result is released, you can join our WhatsApp channel.