Notification has been issued for the latest vacancies of 6000 Police Constable positions. The notification for this recruitment has been released through the official website of

According to the notification released, 5000 positions for male constables and 1000 positions for female constables will be filled Furthermore, detailed information related to recruitment will be made available in the post below. After verifying the information provided in the post, applicants can fill out the application form.
Important Dates for Police Constable Vacancy
The application forms for 6000 vacancies of Police Constable have been invited online. The online application forms have been started from June 29, 2024. While the last date to fill out the application form is set as July 8, 2024. You can fill out the application form keeping in mind the specified time limit, as any filled applications after the specified time limit will not be accepted.
Police Constable Recruitment Age Limit
For applicants applying for the position of Police Constable, the minimum age requirement is 18 years. While the maximum age limit for applicants for this recruitment has been set at 25 years. Age calculation will be based on June 1, 2024. As per government regulations, reserved categories will also be provided with relaxation from the age limit. Therefore, candidates should attach a mark sheet of any board exam or a birth certificate as proof to validate the age limit along with the application.
Educational Qualification for Police Constable Vacancy
Applicants for the position of police constable must have a 12th-grade educational qualification from a recognized board or institution. Candidates can fill out the application form for this recruitment if they have passed the 12th grade from a recognized board or institution. In addition, the link to the PDF file of the notification has been provided below in the post for further information.
How to apply for Police Constable Vacancy?
To apply for the new recruitment of 6000 police constable positions, candidates can follow the steps below:
- First, search for on Google for the application.
- Then click on the advertisement option.
- Check all the available information in the recruitment notification provided there.
- After checking all the information, click on How to Apply.
- Fill out the application form with all the required information.
- Once the application is filled out, submit it.
- Finally, take a printout for future reference and keep it safe.
Police Constable Recruitment Important Links
Official Notification:-Click Here
Apply Online:-Click Here